Friday, September 12, 2008

My First Blog of Many

Well today, I'm 16 weeks preggo and what a better time to start at blog! The first trimester was very trying for me and I lost 16 lbs due to being very sick but now I'm sure as I've been told that I'll start to gain in the coming weeks and months! In just over 3 weeks, I'll know the gender of our first child and we cannot wait! We've both had several dreams about what God will bless us with but until October 6th....we're just guessing and dreaming. All I care about is a healthy baby! Welcome to my blog and I hope that we can share many stories and ideas....since we are rookie parents starting a new chapter in our book of life!

1 comment:

Tiffany Gannon said...

O My goodness Wendy..I had no idea that you were pregnant, or had a blog..Congrats!! Keep in touch!